We're Proud to Announce the Transformation of Heartland Reps

Canva Design DAEa5UHR0QYOver the last year or so, there's one important thing we've learned here at Heartland Reps. Things need to be easier. For our customers, our potential customers, and even for ourselves, we wanted to transform our digital presence and our brand to reflect these new values.

before and after (3)

So what does that mean?

For starters, you'll see our new brand as the initial step of our digital transformation. We wanted to retain our roots, so to speak, but we wanted to make sure our new mark reflected our values of innovation and efficiency. The amazing foodservice equipment brands we represent provide innovation in commercial kitchens across the heartland, we wanted the new Heartland to do the same.

Along with our new brand and logo, you'll also see our new website. Especially over the last year, the industry has changed in terms of how foodservice operators find the information and the solutions they're looking for. Today, people want to do their own research and educate themselves, often before even speaking to a sales person. We wanted our new website to provide these types of features.


From informative articles on food and beverage trends to equipment comparisons to help you find the right solution, our new site will provide you with the access you need to learn more and to upgrade the throughput, efficiency, and profitability of your operation. Heartland is here to be a one-stop shop.

As part of our upgrades, we're also going to slowly unveil a series of foodservice action plans and assessments. Depending on what type of operation you run, we're going to set up one-on-one accessibility where you can speak with a Heartland representative who's an expert in your particular operation type. Before the meeting, we'll provide a series of survey questions to help you narrow the focus on your unique challenges.

We're also planning to provide valuable content on a regular basis, but we also want you to know we respect your time and interest level. That's why we're asking you to please take a few seconds below to tell us more about what you're interested in learning. We don't do spam at Heartland, but we need your help to get you only the content you need.

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